25 million try vegan in Veganuary's 2024 campaign

By Ria Rehberg @ 2024-03-16T12:53 (+3)


 I’m delighted to share an update on the 2024 Veganuary campaign through our Campaign Report which you can find here

Some of the key headlines include:

Veganuary 2024 marks our 10th anniversary, having first began in the UK in 2014, with 3,300 participants trying vegan for the month of January and beyond. Veganuary currently runs campaigns in 16 countries, and we’d like to say a huge thank you to our wonderful partner organizations who are driving this progress in 8 of those 16 countries.

 The link again to our full End of Campaign Report is: https://veganuary.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Campaign-Report-2024-UK.pdf

allisona @ 2024-03-20T20:58 (+1)

Wow, this sounds like a great acheivement! Can I ask how you calculated the 25M estimate? I tried looking in the campaign report and didn't see additional info. I maybe found a couple of the Yougov surveys (UK and Germany)?