Donation: 2,000 copies of "We're All Animals"

By Nick Coughlin @ 2024-06-27T14:45 (+2)

Several years ago I published a story series called We're All Animals with my mom and Ruby Roth. Ingrid Newkirk called it "...the most comprehensive and appealing educational tool for 4-12 year olds I've seen in years." I have roughly 2,000 copies of the box sets remaining that are sitting on pallets in my dad's printshop, and I want to release them out into the world. They're doing no good sitting on pallets! I'd like to donate them to an organization or individual that has a way to get them out into the world where kids will use them. If you are with a non-profit organization, feel free to sell them to support your work. If you're an individual, I would rather you simply give them away, but I'm open to a conversation. You will have to cover the cost of shipping from Minnesota. There are also shipping boxes that come with the box sets, and this is an all-or-nothing proposition. No partial shipments.

If you're interested, send me an email at and I can send a copy for the cost of shipping (roughly $5).