Cage-free win for Disney!

By Jenna Bensko @ 2024-02-23T21:54 (+2)

Hello FAST!


Exciting news – The Walt Disney Company announced a cage-free commitment for China and Hong Kong locations. Disney has pledged to be fully cage-free for both shell and liquid eggs by 2030. Compassion in World Farming has been working with Disney for over four years. We view this policy as a great first step and will continue to work with Disney to ensure combination/limited access systems are not included in its supply chain, as well as expand Disney’s commitment to a true global policy throughout the world.


Timeline: CIWF has been working with Disney since 2020 in the APAC region.


Groups involved: Compassion in World Farming, The Accountability Board, Mercy For Animals, The Humane League, and Humane Society International


CIWF has celebrated this news on our website here and here, as well as social media channels:


Congratulations to everyone working on this win!!

David van Beveren @ 2024-02-24T00:11 (+1)

Congratulations to everyone involved for the win! Sharing on social media to support. :)