Major progress! 40% of hens used for eggs in the U.S. are now cage-free

By Kate Brindle @ 2024-03-05T15:35 (+7)

Major news! The USDA just released figures that the US egg industry is now officially over 40%! This is the highest percentage of cage-free hens since caging became the norm, and it represents over 120 million hens who will never have to suffer life in a cage. 


Reaching this historic milestone was a massive coalition effort! So many people on this list have worked hard to achieve it. While we can all agree that cage-free is far from perfect, it is a drastic reduction in suffering. Please note that these statistics can bounce around a good bit, especially in a time (like right now) where millions of hens are being killed due to avian flu.


Here is a link to HSUS’ blog celebrating this victory.


Thank you and congratulations to everyone who worked to make this happen!