In case you haven't registered for the Second Latin American Congress on Animal Rights – ARBA

By Iselda Livoni - Arba Peru @ 2024-11-04T16:43 (+2)

Hello everyone!

We invite you to the 2nd Latin American Congress on Animal Rights – ARBA 2024 in case you haven't been able to register yet!

This congress will bring together eight important professional experts who carry out important work as defenders of animal rights in Latin America (Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil and Peru).

They will report on important legislative advances and various topics that we currently share in the region. We are honored by their participation.

1- Mauricio Serrano, Founder of Animal Libre and Director of Veganuary Latam (Chile)

“Raising awareness about Rodeo in Chile. Chronicle of a death foretold”

2- Cristina Alarcón - Gallina Libre Project - PAE (Ecuador)

“Fighting for Ecuador's Organic Animal Law (LOA), a reference in the region”

3- Taylison Santos - Executive Director of Forum Animal (Brazil)

“Live cattle and our partial victory in Brazil”

4- Isabel Franco - Igualdad Animal México

“Legislative changes in favor of farm animals”

5- Camila Ahumada - Corporate Relations Specialist - Mercy For Animals Latin America (Chile)

“Chilean legislation in the Latin American panorama on the welfare of animals confined in farms: Where are we and where are we going?”

6- Catalina López - Director of the Animal Aquatic Alliance (Mexico)

“Octopus farms, the new industry that we must stop”

7- Diana Cortes - Lawyer and researcher - District Institute for Animal Protection and Welfare - Mayor's Office of Bogotá (Colombia)

"Abolition of bullfights in Colombia!"

8- Manuel Bartra - Legal Director Arba (Peru)

"Bill on transparent labeling of eggs: chicken farming is important and has different implications"

The event is free and 100% virtual organized by @arbaperu.

📅Date: Wednesday, November 6

🕔Time: 17:00 - 21:00 (4 hours)

💻Modality: Virtual and free access (prior registration).

Registration link 👉

