The Chamber of Deputies has voted in favor of Animal Equality's initiative to establish the first General Law of Adequate and Sustainable Food in Mexico.

By Dulce Ramírez @ 2024-03-07T23:09 (+1)

Dear friends/Queridos amigos, 

We are very proud to announce that the first General Law of Adequate and Sustainable Food in Mexico has been approved by the Chamber of Deputies. This initiative had already received approval in the Senate and was awaiting confirmation to become a reality for all of Mexico.

Mexico takes a crucial step towards ensuring adequate and sustainable nutrition with the unanimous approval in the Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies, this achievement is the result of nearly three years of legislative effort, during which Animal Equality, in collaboration with the Alianza Alimentaria y Acción Climática, worked alongside Senator Nancy de la Sierra Arámburo to propose a legislative initiative. This initiative was one of the two presented and reviewed.

The approved Law constitutes a basis for continuing to promote a food model that prioritizes an increase in the consumption of plant-based foods, while significantly reducing the consumption of animal products.

The law regulates the right to food, enshrined in the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States. Its provisions hold social interest, aiming to establish principles and bases for promoting, protecting, respecting, and guaranteeing the right to food. The primary focus is on prioritizing the right to health, environment, and water.

As a General Law, it outlines planning, coordination, and competition mechanisms among federal, state, municipal, and territorial district authorities.

Another objective is to foster the production, supply, fair and equitable distribution, as well as the consumption of nutritious, sufficient, quality, safe, and culturally appropriate food while minimizing waste.

It is crucial to emphasize that the law strives for self-sufficiency, sovereignty, and food security. Additionally, it promotes the creation of sustainable food environments that encourage informed consumption of healthy and nutritious food.

Timeline: Animal Equality presented the initiative in December 2021 and the Senate approved it in September 2023 and finally approved by the Chamber of Deputies in March 2024.

Who: Animal Equality in collaboration with Alianza Alimentaria y Acción Climática and Senator Nancy de la Sierra Arámburo and Morena.

Successful Tactics: Political lobby.

Scalability: With this law, we will continue our work to reduce meat consumption through regressive laws and social food programs between Love Veg and Alianza Alimentaria and ensure that each state implements it.

Thank you, and please reach out to me for any questions,
