How do You benefit most from attending the AVA Summit?

By Julia Reinelt @ 2024-01-28T19:24 (+4)

Attending the AVA Summit might literally change your life. 

Not only is it an incredible opportunity to connect with advocates from all over the world, it is an investment that might lead to new collaborations, new jobs, new hires, new funding, new projects, changing your approach to advocacy, and finding friends for life.

To make the most out of your time at the AVA Summit and ensure your success, consider the following tips:


Get your ticket early and benefit from the cheapest rates (they do go up over time). We are trying to keep our rates as affordable as possible while ensuring we can provide high-quality meals and services to all of our attendees. Students, unemployed folks, NGOs with a budget of <$500k yearly, and people whose income is lower than $40k are eligible for our subsidized prices. 

Plan your schedule and identify the sessions that align with your goals, and create a personalized itinerary. This is a crucial step and you should aim to spend at least a couple of hours planning your time! It is worth it. 

Prepare a short introduction you can use when you meet new people, for example: “I just started working at X and I’m looking to hear tips from campaigners and connect with people interested in corporate outreach”. 

Arrive early! Some sessions start at 9am – If you haven’t been to the venue yet, you may need some time to orient yourself, adjust to the new time zone, and check-in without stressing yourself out. 


Actively participate in sessions by asking questions and engaging in discussions. Take notes and follow up on any ideas or contacts that stand out to you.

Take care of yourself, make sure to get enough rest, stay hydrated, and eat well. 

There are several restaurants at the Conference Hotel and we've worked with them to maximize their vegan offerings. BTW: Many of them keep their offerings after our events ;)

Network proactively by introducing yourself to others, participating in discussions, and remember to exchange contact information with those you meet.

Some Networking Tips: 

If at any point you find yourself in or you witness a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the AVA Team at any time! You can find us at the Registration Desk, you can use our Anonymous Concern Form, or reach me at


Follow up after the conference and send people a quick Thank you and suggest ways to collaborate or continue the conversation. 

And last but not least: Please give us feedback so we can make sure to improve and provide an even better experience for our movement next time!


Attending the AVA Summit might change your life. We are beyond excited to provide this platform to our movement, create a space for growth, and help advocates increase their impact for animals!


Upcoming events in 2024

Useful links 

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Mark Westcombe, Animal Think Tank @ 2024-01-31T11:24 (+4)

At the 2023 Summit, the biggest value I got was connecting with people I didn't know existed, or in the day to day don't prioritise reaching out to. I had a lot of interesting exchanges that stimulated my thinking, and helped me understand what different orgs and parts of the movement ecology are up to and why.

My ideal would be to have more talks that up my knowledge of Movement Strategy / Theory of Change, and the different components: Organising Methods, sustaining Movement Culture, narrative and leadership development. Potentially drawing on outside Social Movement theorists and practitioners, including/especially from other movements.

Julia Reinelt @ 2024-02-02T09:40 (+2)

Thanks, Mark! We've received very interesting submissions around Movement Culture and Leadership Development this year and are happy to feature more sessions around those topics. Looking forward to seeing you in May!