Jenna Riedi is a devoted life-long animal advocate and is passionate about protecting and advancing the lives of animals around the world. She has worked and volunteered for nonprofit organizations for over 20 years, with a focus on marketing and fundraising. Jenna graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a BA in History and an MA in Library Information Sciences, from UW-Milwaukee with an MS in Nonprofit Management and Leadership, and has a masters certificate in Shelter Medicine from the University of Florida. Jenna spends her downtime with her trio of companion animals (Navi, Mielikki, and Starbuck), and also enjoys reading, singing, and hiking.
Faunalytics is now accepting applications for our People & Operations Director!
by JennaRiedi @ 2024-02-01 | +2 | 0 comments
by JennaRiedi @ 2024-02-01 | +2 | 0 comments